​​​​​​Because humor is funnier when you know it's true.

Always look twice (continued)

As I'm in the stall it all of a sudden occurs to me that the person in the suit in the bathroom with me was a man!  Oh my God...a child could walk in here and find some kind of pervert waiting to do who knows what.  Maybe even I was in danger.   I had to get out quick and call the manager or maybe the police.  I rushed out of the stall but the man had left.  It was as if I were in slow motion as I was walking by the children's sinks...I felt at that moment that I could not understand or think clearly.  I was totally perplexed as if someone was playing a joke on me. 

I then realized that these mini sinks were not sinks at all...They were urinals!  What the heck were they doing in the ladies room???   I felt like I was in the twilight zone.   My thought processes seemed to be in slow motion as I processed this situation.  I knew I was in the women’s room because the women’s bathrooms are to the LEFT as you turn into the hallway.   I've turned left many times in these restaurants to use the ladies room.  There was absolutely no doubt in my mind about where I was.  Then it hit me like a ton of bricks...Oh my God, ...I was in the men's room!  How could this have happened to me?  I panicked!

I flew out of that bathroom without stopping to wash my hands.  I ran straight across the hall to the ladies room to wash up.  How gross.

To this day I can't believe what I thought I saw ...those little sinks.  And can finally laugh when I think of the blunder I made.  To this day, I always look twice to be sure where I'm going. 

-Deborah J.