​​​​​​Because humor is funnier when you know it's true.

Catholic school memories: Christmas pageants and other disasters (continued)

“Well, I guess I’ll just have to put you back in myself,” she said, and waved her “magic wand” at the kids playing the dolls. They all crowded back into the box, and the little play ended.

Later, as we were filing out of the auditorium, there was Billy Wolf, dressed in his aluminum foil costume, ready to go on. He had mistaken the time that the show was supposed to start.

School assemblies were fun, only because they got us out of class for a while. Each grade took turns leading the assembly, and some of the presentations resulted in unintentional hilarity, such as one David and Goliath skit. Two boys of the same age, one of whom had obviously been experiencing a growth spurt, played the parts. Goliath was the one who got the big laugh, when he slapped his leg and bellowed, “Ha, ha, ha!”

You had to be there.

- Kathy Minicozzi

Follow Kathy on her blog:  "Welcome to My Quirky World" - https://kminicozzzi.blogspot.com/

And check out her book:  "Opera For People Who Don't Like It" - https://www.amazon.com/Opera-People-Who-Dont-Like/dp/0692553851/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=