​​​​​​Because humor is funnier when you know it's true.

Computer totin’ granny (continued)


OLD PERSON (holding a cell phone in one hand): I'm trying to call my nephew and all I'm getting is his voicemail. I have to talk to him.

ME: Have you tried sending him a text message?

OLD PERSON: Can I do that on this phone?

ME: How long have you had that thing?

OLD PERSON: Years. It was cheap, so I bought it.

ME: You can't send texts with that old dinosaur.

OLD PERSON: Why do I want to send texts, for cryin' out loud? Talking isn't good enough for my bastard nephew? ... Hey! You have one of those newfangled gizmos. Can you send the message for me?

ME: It costs me minutes when I do that! (Seeing the look on Old Person’s face) Alright. What's his phone number? (I get my phone out and prepare to send the message.)


OLD PERSON: I found this old picture of my granddaughter when she was little. I want to send her a copy. I'll take it over to Walgreens and get them to make me one.

ME: Why don't you just scan it into your computer and email it?

OLD PERSON: How do I do that?

ME: My printer is also a scanner. What about your printer?

OLD PERSON: I don't know. I never thought about it.

ME: Do you have the manual that came with the printer?

OLD PERSON: I can never understand those things. I had my grandson show me how to use it. I threw the manual away.

ME: I guess you should just take the picture to Walgreens, then.

OLD PERSON: That's what I said in the first place! Sheeesh!
