​​​​​​Because humor is funnier when you know it's true.

Dem bones (continued)

After sharing my sad tale with a friend later via email, I signed off, “Have a nice day. I’ll just be here, tabulating my calcium.”

She wrote back, “Tabulating? I never do that. I just pop a pill twice a day, when I remember.”

That’s when I realized maybe I could dial it back a bit. As long as I’m aware of the importance of daily calcium intake, and keep the freezer stocked with Chunky Monkey, I’ll be OK.

-Camille DeFer Thompson

Camille is a freelance journalist and fiction/memoir writer whose stories chronicle her life as a baby boomer living in the suburbs of Northern California. Her work has been featured in the Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop website.  Her fiction and non-fiction pieces appear in a number of collected works including Not Your Mother’s Book… On Home ImprovementNot Your Mother’s Book... On Working for a LivingClash of the Couples, and Written Across the Genres, all available on Amazon.com. She contributed feature stories for the Danville Times, a local news magazine distributed by the Contra Costa Times, and for SanRamonPatch.com, a news and information website. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area.  You can follow her at: camilledeferthompson.com.