​​​​​​Because humor is funnier when you know it's true.

McD Diet

Pete had been a bit overweight for some time. On his birthday Mona reminded him that he was not getting any younger and that he needed to take better care of himself. Pete acknowledged that she was right and committed to go on a diet. He was going to eat healthy foods and cut down on fats. 

Shortly after that Pete and Mona went on a trip to Florida. After driving some time Pete announced that he wanted a hamburger. Mona reminded him of his diet but Pete was driving so they stopped at McDonalds where Pete ordered a burger, fries, and a milkshake. Mona ordered a burger but was so disgusted watching him eat all that food that she stopped eating and went out to the car in a huff. 

Pete finished his meal, and her burger, then went out to the car. He approached her and said, "I just want to know one thing, are you coming with me or are you going home with this guy?" She was so upset that she had gotten into the wrong car. -Anonymous