​​​​​​Because humor is funnier when you know it's true.

Namaste, dudes! (continued)

"Hi, okay to sit here?'" I asked. "My name is Perry."

"Sure, I'm Cheryl, nice to meet you!" she replied brightly.

And it seemed then that the combined and collected wisdom and enlightenment of the East were gently whispering into my ear "Perry, you have a shot here, don't fucking blow it!"

"Do you know, Perry, you have really nice blue eyes," said Cheryl.

Warrior's paying off, I thought, both I and II!

"Thank you, Cheryl!" I gushed. "I didn't think they were noticeable anymore now that I have bags beneath them sufficient to brew tea, which is brown."

"Know what else?  Nice long eyelashes!"

Wow, my confidence was soaring!  I decided then to go to the mat about going to my mat with Cheryl.  

"You know, Cheryl, what do you say we ..."

"But you have the worst posture I've ever seen! What happened to you, did somebody saddle you up and ride you through the desert as if you were a horse with no name?"

So much for Downward Facing Dog, Child's Pose, Warrior 1 and 2 and the whole yoga yin yang!

"This was .... um, nice, Perry," Cheryl sighed.  "Gotta go now and meet my 45 year old boyfriend."

Ommmmm .... Shit! 

Guess I'll go too, I thought.  Go back home and practice Attorney 1 and 2.

Namaste, dudes!

-Perry Block

Perry Block is a Baby Boomer who frequently tries to pass as a millennial, although his references to Kukla, Fran, & Ollie and circles under his eyes which extend onto the face of the next person sometimes tend to give him away. If this kind of duplicitousness appeals to you, you can follow Perry on his blog at perryblock.com.  He is also on Facebook at facebook.com/perry.block, and on Twitter at twitter.com/PerryBlock.

​He would like to be on other sites like Snapchat and Instagram but he has not been able to find an Idiot’s Guide to either one of them. You can check out Perry's first book “Perry Block – Nouveau Old, Formerly Cute” at amazon.com.