​​​​​​Because humor is funnier when you know it's true.

The truth will set you free


In her middle age, my sister decided to adopt a daughter from China. She was thrilled to finally be a mother. She was also a little apprehensive about being an “older” mother. 

Years later, when her daughter entered first grade, my sister got to attend a Parents’ Night. She had largely forgotten about her age difference compared to other mothers, until she walked in the door and saw all of the young women. Oh well, none of them needed to know how old she really was. 

She proceeded to walk around the room to see the children’s artwork posted on the wall. When she finally got to her daughter’s posting, she saw that it was a portrait. She was flattered to see that her daughter had drawn a loving image of her dear mother. That is, flattered until she saw a big bold number “50” above her head!  All she could do was laugh out loud at her daughter’s innocent honesty. 

- Anonymous