​​​​​​Because humor is funnier when you know it's true.

When you gotta go, you gotta go (continued) 

As we walked and walked, we saw what appeared to be an apartment building.  So, we went in to look around.  I don’t know what we were thinking?   We walked into the first floor and could not believe what we saw.  It was a door.  Not just any door, but an OPEN apartment door.  We stood there and waited and watched.  There was no movement and it was very quiet in the building.  So we tiptoed over to the partially opened door and looked in. 

We saw someone sleeping in the bedroom.  This was the opportunity we were waiting for.  We crept into this stranger's apartment and found their bathroom.  We went in together, closed the door and used their toilet. So far, no one had come into or gone out of this apartment.  We did not flush, crept out of the half opened doorway, and left behind us the owner who was still sleeping!

Once outside, we ran all the way back down the hill to the van never looking back. Yes, we laughed and laughed about our good fortune. 

Now that I am older and wiser, I shudder to think what could have happened if we were found creeping around in someone else's home.  The police could have been called for sure, and we could easily have ended up in jail for breaking and entering.  Ah, the simpler thinking of a 19-year old.

To this day I can't believe we were so bold and so lucky (and so desperate) to get in or out without being found out.  I always wondered why that door was left ajar for those few minutes.  The pee gods must have been smiling down upon us.

Today, I would NEVER let that happen to me again.  I ALWAYS know where ALL the bathrooms, are no matter where we go.  Cause when you gotta go, you GOTTA go!

-Deborah J.