​​​​​​Because humor is funnier when you know it's true.

Are you retired yet?​ (continued)

The emotional problem was making my announcement to friends and colleagues and my most able and loyal assistant. (I can freely say that now; she can’t hit me for a raise.)

As for the logistics, fortunately, Daniel was able to take over my clients. (He’s back in my Will.)

Since my practice termination, I have had the pleasure and leisure of launching my new book, Poutine on the Orient Express: An Irreverent Look at Travel. I am riding the star that came along that afternoon in Grade 2, enjoying the ride and ready to go where it takes me for as long as my higher authority wants it to fly. I am not retired. I have planted that oak tree and I am nurturing it.

-Marcel Strigberger

This piece first appeared in Inspired 55+ Lifestyle Magazine.  Marcel Strigberger after 40 plus years, retired from his Greater Toronto Area litigation law practice and continues the more serious business of humourous speaker and author, including penning two books, Poutine On the Orient-Express, and Birth, Death, and Other Trivialities.  You can follow him on marcelshumour.com